Poročni fotograf Ljublljana
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Luxury Wedding in Ljubljana Slovenia Wedding photographer

Unforgettable Association of Elegance and History – Unique Luxury Wedding in Ljubljana – Wedding photographer Slovenia

V centru Ljubljane se je nedavno odvila ena izmed najprestižnejših in najbolj edinstvenih porok v zadnjem času. Ta izjemna poročna slovesnost je potekala na nekaterih najbolj ikoničnih lokacijah v mestu. Vvključno s Tromostovjem, cerkvijo Stolnico, Prešernovim trgom, Mestnim trgom in Ljubljanskim gradom. Ta Edinstvena Luksuzna Poroka v Centru Ljubljane, spektakularen dogodek je pritegnil pozornost tako domačih kot tujih gostov ter postavil nov standard za luksuzne poročne dogodke v Sloveniji. ( Poročni fotograf Ljubljana ) ( Wedding photographer Ljubljana Slovenia ).

One of the most prestigious and unique weddings recently took place in the center of Ljubljana – Slovenia. This extraordinary wedding ceremony took place in some of the most iconic locations in the city, including Tromostovje, Stolnica Church, Prešeren Square, Mestni Trg and Ljubljana Castle. This Unique Luxury Wedding in the Center of Ljubljana, a spectacular event attracted the attention of both local and foreign guests and set a new standard for luxury wedding events in Slovenia. ( Wedding photographer Ljubljana )

Wedding photographer – wedding in Ljubljana Slovenia

The wedding, which was carefully planned and executed by the organizers, was the right combination of elegance, romance and historical surroundings. Each of the selected locations had its own special meaning and contributed to an unforgettable experience for the newlyweds and invited guests.

The wedding day began at Tromostovje, known for its architectural beauty. The newlyweds said their vows by the river Ljubljanica, which created a picturesque backdrop for their love story. The guests were mesmerized by the view of the colorful buildings and the calm flowing river, which added a romantic touch to the entire event.

This was followed by a solemn church wedding in the Cathedral of St. Nicholas. This impressive church, located in the very heart of Ljubljana, created an atmosphere of solemnity and spirituality. The interior of the church, richly decorated with works of art and stained glass windows, offered an intimate setting for the exchange of wedding vows. The music and singing of the church choir added to the emotional atmosphere of the ceremony.

After the church wedding, the guests went to Prešeren square, the city center and the place where modern vibrancy and cultural heritage meet. On the square, guests enjoyed top cuisine and drinks offered by top chefs and sommeliers. Open-air dancing and live music added a touch of joy and entertained the guests.

The city square was the next stop, where guests experienced a real architectural gem. The surrounding Renaissance palaces created a magical atmosphere as the newlyweds walked through the mausoleum surrounded by flowers in the guise of elegant princesses and princes. This part of the event was truly fabulous and put a smile on everyone’s face.

Unforgettable Association of Elegance and History – Wedding photographer Slovenia

The climax of the wedding day was reached at the Ljubljana Castle, which rises above the city and offers a stunning view of Ljubljana. An evening party was held there, which was carried out in the style of elegance and prestige. Dancing to live music, superb cuisine and fireworks helped create an unforgettable atmosphere that graced this special evening.

This unique luxury wedding in the center of Ljubljana set new standards for wedding events in Slovenia. With their precision and creativity, the organizers created an unforgettable experience for the newlyweds and all the guests. With carefully selected locations and details, they managed to combine elegance with the historical background of the city, creating a wedding ceremony that will forever be etched in the memory of all who had the privilege to be a part of this event.

As a wedding photographer, a stunning location for a summer wedding the famous Ljubljana Bridge – Wedding photographer

If there’s one thing I love about my job as a wedding photographer, it’s the opportunity to visit some truly stunning wedding locations. And the wedding of Maša and Peter in Ljubljana was no exception.

From the moment I arrived I knew it was going to be a special day and a special couple. The location was absolutely stunning with its rustic charm and beautiful natural surroundings. I was incredibly lucky to be able to capture the magic of this wedding through my lens and translate it into lasting memories for the happy couple. photoshoot of the bride’s wedding preparations (at the bride’s home)

As a wedding photographer, a stunning location for a summer wedding – Wedding Photographer

in the form of elegant princesses and a prince. This part of the event was truly fabulous and put a smile on everyone’s face.

The climax of the wedding day was reached at the Ljubljana Castle, which rises above the city and offers a stunning view of Ljubljana. An evening party was held there, which was carried out in the style of elegance and prestige. Dancing to live music, superb cuisine and fireworks helped create an unforgettable atmosphere that graced this special evening.

This unique luxury wedding in the center of Ljubljana set new standards for wedding events in Slovenia. With their precision and creativity, the organizers created an unforgettable experience for the newlyweds and all the guests. With carefully selected locations and details, they managed to combine elegance with the historical background of the city, creating a wedding ceremony that will forever be etched in the memory of all who had the privilege to be a part of this event.

Wedding photographer Ljubljana

  • pre-wedding photoshoot (Jezero Jasna)
  • photoshoot of the groom’s wedding preparations (at the groom’s home)
  • photoshoot of the bride’s wedding preparations (at the bride’s home)
  • wedding reception photoshoot (Ljubljana, Hotel Lev)
  • photoshoot of a civil wedding ceremony (Ljubljana, Hotel Lev)
  • portrait wedding photoshoot (on the banks of the Ljubljanica, the old town, Ljubljana Castle, the famous Ljubljanica Bridge and the Tivoli couple)
  • wedding party photoshoot (Ljubljana Hotel Lev)
  • photoshootof the wedding bouquet toss, garter, wedding cake (Ljubljana, Hotel Lev)
  • Honeymoon photoshoot (Bled Rose Hotel)

Wedding photoshoot in Ljubljani

Our wedding photos are featured / awarded

Najine fotografije porok so predstavljene / nagrajene

O naju Ljubimo spomine in fotografijo!Pozdravljena, sva Neža & Tadej in sva poročna fotografa, družinska, nosečniška, otroška ter portretna fotografa. Skupaj sva odkrila ljubezen do fotografije, zlasti kot fotografa sva specializiran v poročni fotografiji, družinski fotografiji ter nosečniški z naravnimi fotografiranjem z dokumentarnim pristopom, ki je posvečen tako celoti kot detajlom ter iskrenih spontanih trenutkov ter studijsko fotografiranje Fotografija za naju niso samo standardne ali skupinske fotografije, ampak z dokumentiranjem iskrenim spontanim trenutkom, ki jih zajameva na fotografijah za vas na ta poseben dan.Za poročno, družinsko, nosečniško fotografijo imava poseben dokumentarni pristop, ki je posvečen tako celoti kot detaljem ter iskrenim spontanim trenutkom.Neža&Tadej Ljubimo spomine in fotografijo ?N&T photo info@porocnofotografiranje.si www.porocnofotografiranje.si+386 040 555 627Poročni fotograf, fotografiranje porok, Poročno fotografiranje, Družinsko fotografiranje, Nosečniško fotografiranje

O naju Ljubimo spomine in fotografijo!Pozdravljena, sva Neža & Tadej in sva poročna fotografa, družinska, nosečniška, otroška ter portretna fotografa. Skupaj sva odkrila ljubezen do fotografije, zlasti kot fotografa sva specializiran v poročni fotografiji, družinski fotografiji ter nosečniški z naravnimi fotografiranjem z dokumentarnim pristopom, ki je posvečen tako celoti kot detajlom ter iskrenih spontanih trenutkov ter studijsko fotografiranje Fotografija za naju niso samo standardne ali skupinske fotografije, ampak z dokumentiranjem iskrenim spontanim trenutkom, ki jih zajameva na fotografijah za vas na ta poseben dan.Za poročno, družinsko, nosečniško fotografijo imava poseben dokumentarni pristop, ki je posvečen tako celoti kot detaljem ter iskrenim spontanim trenutkom.Neža&Tadej Ljubimo spomine in fotografijo ?N&T photo info@porocnofotografiranje.si www.porocnofotografiranje.si+386 040 555 627Poročni fotograf, fotografiranje porok, Poročno fotografiranje, Družinsko fotografiranje, Nosečniško fotografiranje

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